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Tup - tup@wam.umd.eduposted on 02/19/2006 4:49 pm
Webpage Description
Its blow up.

How did you find this website?
Invented the idea of it. Then later came back to see if it had been made. Luckily, it had.

The Store.

Turn Ons
6’6" 240.

Who is your daddy, and what does he do?
also 6’6" 240...He starts his day off with some cap’n crunch... a bag of hydro and a pack a pack of blunts.

Thanks to Wheeling for letting us come ruin their concert. And thanks to all the people who made it out to the was real fun. If you didn’t make it we’ve got some embarassing footage we’ll put up here soon enough. Drink.

Woods - cpwoods@smcm.eduposted on 02/19/2006 4:48 pm
i’m listening to a sad Bon Jovi song right now - kissing under age childern

How did you find this website?
some skinny ***** named skeltz and a tall dude that looks really gay


Turn Ons
anything with **** and food stamps

Who is your daddy, and what does he do?
my dad’s dead fuckers

keep up the good work boys. i really like the new songs. the sammidge video is amazing, and i really like the songwriter confession one too. good luck in WV. tell bubba i said what’s up. tell him that i’m sorry i haven’t gotten back to him about that video he wants me to produce, but i’ve been so swamped. tell him i’ll call him when i get a chance...maybe next week.
slata bits

Neal at - Neal@MatchstickCats.composted on 02/19/2006 4:47 pm
Webpage - Exporting fresh carp and drivel from Ireland since 2003

How did you find this website?

Dublin, Ireland

Who is your daddy, and what does he do?
He’s dead. S niff

Hey, great site, found you on a links page somewhere. Swing by my place sometime? We’re from Ireland and we’ve got cartoons about cats.

Neal at

Thil o - thilo@ninjapirate.composted on 02/19/2006 4:46 pm
Webpage Name
Thes s’econd Best PAGE IN THE ujniverse

Webpage Description
im drujnk

How did you find this website?
fuck if i nkow


Turn Ons
pwoer switch, duh@@@@

Who is your daddy, and what does he do?
troy and i tihink the

i’d enteran imagebut i dont belicve its peoles images that amtter........... fuck it!!!!!!

the two poorest men alive - lmann@msmary.eduposted on 02/19/2006 4:44 pm
Webpage Name
helping us poor kids out

Webpage Description
you giving us (Tup and Luke) money, one dollar at least??

How did you find this website?
poor persons annonymous

Beverly Hills, clearly

Turn Ons
people who give us money

Who is your daddy, and what does he do?
you are, if you give us money.....well, like I said, he gives us money

Please donate to the "Save the Asses of Luke and Tup" (SALT) foundation. I (Luke) have literally one dollar left for the semester...and Tup has 100 dollars, but he has to pay rent and about 2 months in backpay for hes at about negative 1000. Even one dollar is helpful. We promise when we’re millionares we’ll pay you all back, with interest. God bless you one and all!!
Signed, the two equally poor guys,
Luke and Tup

Flourrrrra - rango_laur@bently.eduposted on 02/19/2006 4:43 pm
Turn Ons

I HAVE TO CONFESS THAT I AM IN LOVE WITH TUP, i’ve kept it in for too long. what is my little tupperwear up to these days?

Ryan - ryanfromEA@hotmail.composted on 02/19/2006 4:29 pm
Webpage - four broke ass musicians.

How did you find this website?
Pete spelled it out in urine on the sidewalk


Turn Ons
Depends on the day of the week

Who is your daddy, and what does he do?
Dads a cop, and his job is to get me out of trouble as needed.

You fellas have been really good to my bandmates and myself. Thanks for supporting EastonAshe. We always look forward to seeing you guys in the crowd. Pete and Tup, I think you two are the shit. Thanks for making us west coast kids feel at home on the east coast. Hope to see you soon.

Sara Rowan - srowan1@towson.eduposted on 02/19/2006 4:28 pm
How did you find this website?
Steve Smith’s profile


Turn Ons
guys that sing and play quitar haha

Hey guys... dont know if either of you remember me. Tup and pete... Tup you should!! Anyway.. being irish and all... I love the site and its name!! You guys are hysterical. Tup i sort of ran into you this year, this woman i worked with was one of your teachers. Jennifer Schwartz! She had all those final projects you guys did and i was looking through the pictures and couldnt believe it when i saw you! Anyway... just thought Id say hey.. big fan of Big Sexy!!! haha.. i joined the email thing... Later guys

Eddieposted on 02/19/2006 4:27 pm
Webpage - Music

How did you find this website?
Pete & Tup

Cave Creek, Arizona

Turn Ons
Good music, Good Times & Good weed

Who is your daddy, and what does he do?
He’s a fat slob wasting away in Florida

Thanks to Irishtootheache for your support of EastonAshe and for being our most loyal fans

Ben - ben@ravenbeer.composted on 02/19/2006 4:26 pm

How did you find this website?
Tup and I chilled in Copenhagen for about a week


Turn Ons
Fat Lesbians

Who is your daddy, and what does he do?
pops; stuff

Nice! Haven’t seen the site in a while. Whadup Tupper! How u doin? You plannen to travel tha globe?! RED BOAT!

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