Updates From January, 2005
SHOWTIME...Shladies! posted by e-dub on 01/24/2005 |
Hello Irishtoothache afficianado. We have exciting news for you groupies...not the fans though, only the groupies. Two new songs by me, E-dub, called Melt you, and Remember That. Muth and his emo friends over at his Wheeling Jesuit school put out Damn it Feels Good to be Jesuit. A new song by Stubbs and Just Glaze entitled Forgot about Glaze. Also by Glaze- an awesome finisher to the bad ass cartoon commerical Macro machines.
For you true Irishtoothache fans, E-dub & Skeltz will be performing at MONK's Tavern on Friday Night, January 28th @ 9pm. So bring some duckets for car-bombs and check out their half-hour set at Monk's Bar in St. Mary's City, MD.
Gentlemen, start your strangeness posted by skeltz on 01/05/2005 |
Aight first of all, you all need to see our newest video, Treat Each Man as a Gentleman. We finally made a music video for that bangin song. So if you want to see what a true southern-Maryland gentleman looks like, now is your chance.
Also, Edubble just put out two new songs, since he's more prolific than my man tupac (and twice as alive). You should definately go to the newest songs page and check them out.
And don't forget, our infamous Christmas album is up, every last song, for you to have for free. Stay beautiful, idiots. |
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