Peter Muth is not the next American Idol...He’s sorry he lied. posted by muth on 09/11/2007
Hi everyone.This is Peter Muth (Pabs, Muth, Big Sexy) writing to you.I don’t do this very often because I usually have smarter people who work for Irishtoothache taking care of these things for me.But ever since I tried out for American Idol and got denied, I feel like I need to do more to pull my weight around here, even if it is only three hundred pounds.So here I am at a computer, hitting buttons, telling you to watch the American Idol audition experience for yourself.One cool thing did happen while E-dub and I were there, and one thing only…and I didn’t even think it was that cool because I don’t watch the Sopranos.But some guy from the Sopranos interviewed me and made me sing for him, and it is apparently going to be on “The Tonight Show.”So all this being said, watch the stupid video.At most you’ll be like “ha-ha.”
Oh, and thanks to people who come to this site time and time again only cuz we make them do it.And thanks to E-dub for putting this video together, and Glaze for writing all this pretending it was me. Everyone else, just regular thanks.